Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our Second Journey...

We are extremely happy to announce that our second stop will be Bali, Indonesia!!
We had plan to live in Charleston SC for a while and then go to our second destination.
Sometimes things don't work the way you plan to. We couldn't get an affordable, nice
apartment downtown Charleston.
Ohhh it is totally ok!!! Because we got the "Bug" again. We are leaving the country in about
a week and a half!!
We are trying to go to Bali for two months and then work our way up to Singapore, Malaysia and Bangkok.
We hope to stay in Bangkok for 3 more months. Who would ever thought??!!!
In the meantime, I already have an interview schedule in Bali for a Zumba teacher position, yay!!
Wish us luck! :-)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Zoo

This past week we went to the Buenos Aires Zoo  which is located in the Palermo district of Buenos Aires. The city location is pretty unique for zoo's, but considering it was built almost 137 years ago it is better described as the city of Buenos Aires having built up around it. It sits on 44 acres but feels much smaller and is easily walked in only a few hours.
We had a great time in spite of my ankle hurting a little. I used a wheelchair and my wonderful husband was kind enough to push me all the way!!!
One of the really cool things about this zoo is that you can feed the animals... everyone but the cats (lions and tigers) and the giraffe. There are kiosks all through the park where you can purchase "approved food" for the animals and then lots of opportunities to feed all kinds of animals. Besides being a lot of fun, giving the animals food means that you can get much closer to zoo animals than is the case in most zoos.
One of our favorite animals, and one that we have never seen before, was the Panda Rojo or Red Panda. These little guys are awful cute.

Red Panda - Panda Rojo

Here is a video with some of our other pictures from the zoo:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Buenos Aires Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping in Buenos Aires can be an adventure or a headache depending on your 
language ability and need for specific items. In most of Argentina people still buy groceries 
the old fashioned way . . . no they don’t trade tomatoes for sausage; they shop in a dozen different
stores for different types of products.  We have a butcher half a block from us, a vegetable stand
on one corner, a bakery around the other corner and two small "supermarkets" which are usually
owned by Asians (and sometimes certain products are cheaper here). But if you want to find almost 
everything in one place there is a solution- Coto!!!

Coto is a massive grocery/consumer goods store.  It is a little like Super Wal-mart or Target, but 
not quite as nice.  The first time I discovered Coto, I was overwhelmed because from the outside
Coto looked like just another grocery store. Maybe it was a little larger and brighter than the 
rest, but when I went inside to see if they had soy milk,  I was wowed by the selection of various
products and how the store seemed to never end.  

They sell everything; fans, refrigerators, TVs, 20 different brands of toilet paper, fresh meat, 
a variety of wine and alcohol.  I couldn’t believe it!  You could find anything you needed in 
one single store!!!  As tempting as it was to buy two cart loads of items, we knew the walk home 
would be too much, so we purchased my soy milk and some paper towels (which are smaller
than the average) and made our way to the checkout.  That is when we learned – Coto Delivers!!!
All you have to do is shop as normal, then tell the check-out clerk you would like it delivered. 
Make sure you know your full address, and a few hours later your groceries items will be brought
to your front door.  They have air conditioned vans that drive around the city making deliveries,
so you don’t have to worry about spoiling meats and vegetables.  It is only a few pesos, plus 
a tip to the delivery boy.  Isn’t Buenos Aires wonderful?

There are other grocery stores in Buenos Aires, like Disco, Dia Supermercado and Carrefour.  
My favorite (after Coto) is  Disco.  It is usually well lit and well stocked.  The Disco’s can vary 
from one neighborhood to the next, but overall they are much nicer than the other supermarkets.
At the Disco you can find everything you NEED to make a nice dinner, but you may not find 
everything you want.  For example, we wanted pepper, plain black ground pepper, but all we
could find was peppercorns.  At Coto we found a small package of ground pepper at least, 
but it was a little hard to find it. It seems like pepper it is not just that popular here as it is in
the States. Even at the restaurants, all you are going to see on the table is salt...not pepper...?

Shopping at Coto or Disco can be an easy, relaxing experience (except for the slow cashiers
and the fact that they take forever to swipe a card the old fashioned way) but I wouldn’t make it my
only grocery shopping destination.  I believe there is something romantic about stepping into the 
past, about having to interact with people before taking home your groceries.  I really enjoy 
talking to a butcher to get your meat, tasting the cheese at the local cheese store before you
make a purchase, and having freshly baked bread from the neighborhood bakery.  Not to 
mention, the food always taste better after you’ve walked to five different shops to buy it. =)

Note: Make sure you know that if you are ready to check out in one of the lanes that 
says "15 items or less" THEY REALLY MEAN IT! Otherwise, prepare to leave some of your
items behind :s

Saturday, May 7, 2011

11 Reasons to Stop Dreaming and Start Planning Your Round the World Trip (First Part)

You may never have heard or read the letters R-T-W before.  If you don’t know their meaning, that’s all right.  If you do know their meaning and have contemplated taking one, then you have come to the right place.
If you are a travel lover, an adventurer, or are questioning what it is you really want out of life, then maybe it’s time you find out what those three little letters mean, and why it is that you should consider taking a Round The World trip of your own.
Some think it’s crazy, some think it’s impossible, some think, “There’s no way could do it.”  I’m here to let you in a little secret.  It’s certainly not crazy.  It’s most definitely possible.  And yes, there is a way you could do it.  So get rid of those excuses and get ready to hit the road for a life-changing adventure.

1.     You are only going to get older.

 “I’m not 18, or 22, or (fill in whatever age you think is still appropriate for traveling for an extended period of time), so I can’t do that.”  
Whether you’re 17 and sitting in class right now, or whether you’re already retired sitting at home sipping your morning coffee, or you’re at any age in between, one thing is for sure: you are only going to get older.  So now is the time.  No matter your age, as time goes on, it’s common you will want more comfort and less adventure in your life.  It’s a lot easier to endure 24 hour bus rides, stinky, grimy, loud hostels, and multi-day treks through the Andes when you’re young.  These are many of the things you may have to do when on an extended trip around the world, and the older you get, the less likely you are to enjoy these types of activities.  One thing is certain, though, the longer you wait, the harder it will be to pull the trigger.

2.    In many cases, it’s cheaper to travel than to live at home.

One of the biggest reasons people give for not traveling long-term is that they can’t afford it.  That’s simply a myth.  Having the discipline to save for a trip of this magnitude is certainly not easy, nor is having to bypass luxuries like going out for dinner and drinks and buying that new car, television, or outfit.  But thinking that a RTW trip is only for the rich or those with a trust fund is simply wrong.
When we’re talking about the everyday expenses of traveling vs. living at home, particularly for those living in countries like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or anywhere around Europe, chances are it’s going to be cheaper to travel for an extended period of time than to live at home.  Mortgage payments, rent, bills, car payments, food, and drinks are all more expensive in western countries.  Traveling around the world to areas like South America, Africa, SE Asia, India, the Middle East, and even parts of Eastern Europe are much cheaper than simply living your everyday life at home.
Even if you’re a little older than the gap-year traveler straight out of high school or those in their early-mid twenties traveling right after college, you can still get by easily in many parts of the world for about $35-40/day.  And that’s for everything.  Accommodation (even private rooms with your own bathroom), food, transport, and activities are all included in that price tag.  Try living in the US, England, Canada, or Oz for that much.

3.    You will learn much more from experiencing different cultures than sitting behind a desk or in a classroom.

While school, work, and a career are certainly important, they’re not the most important things in life.  Educating oneself and expanding your horizons can have more impact on you as a person than your job, career, or even schooling.  You can experience new and interesting cultures on a daily basis and educate yourself on how the rest of the world lives while traveling.
It’s easier to understand a country like India if you are there, talking to the citizens and experiencing their daily lives than by reading a book.  You can see for yourself the impact that war and poverty have had in countries like Laos and Cambodia while you’re there, perhaps volunteering and making a difference.  You can learn many new skills, like patience and communication with other cultures while on the road much easier than you can while sitting in a cube.  Education and careers are important, and I certainly don’t mean to downplay either, but getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing different cultures firsthand can have a much bigger impact on your life than a year of schooling and/or work.  Besides, work and school will still be there when you return.

4.    If you’re not well traveled, here’s your chance.

Not everyone was lucky enough to grow up in a family that was well-traveled (mine certainly wasn’t).  Many people in their twenties and thirties may never have left their home country before.  And while this may deter some from embarking on a trip like this, it absolutely should not.  In fact, it should be a motivator to get on the road and see the world.  Don’t use “I’ve never left my country, it will be too hard” as an excuse.  Yes, it will be hard at times, but the only way to become a traveler and see the world is to actually get out there and travel.
If you’ve dreamed of seeing the world and traveling for an extended period of time, then do it!  This is your chance!  This was a concern of ours before our trip.  We had only been to Guatemala (to resorts and with family) so places like  Buenos Aires  seemed very intimidating to us.  While there are certainly challenges along the way, the high points far outweighed the low ones, and forcing ourselves outside of our comfort zone provides us with lasting memories.  Not having traveled much before is simply an excuse, and there’s only one way to change that.

5.    You can be free from all your baggage.

While I’m very far from being a minimalist, there was just something freeing about living out of a suitcase for 6 months.  Having all my possessions there just makes life easier.  There is no pondering for an hour about which outfit to wear or what shoes to put on (when you only have 5 or 6 outfits and 4 pairs of shoes, it’s much simpler).  A lot of the time, more stuff means more headaches.
Don’t misunderstand me here.  I like stuff.  I grew up some and live in the US, a culture built upon collecting as much stuff as you can.  And while I do still enjoy having nice stuff, I can say now that happiness does not only come from how many possessions one has.  Happiness, at least for me, comes more from experiences, from living life, from seeing amazing sites and meeting new and interesting people.  You can have your 5 pairs of $100 jeans.  I’ll take my suitcase, my non-good-looking zip-off pants, and a t-shirt.

6.    You can be free to finally pursue what it is you truly love.

When you’re working 50-60 hours a week and have family, friends, and obligations, it’s difficult to pursue what it is that truly makes you happy.  Sure, there are some who are lucky enough to love their job and have that as their passion.  But the majority of us don’t do what we really want to do for our careers.  We do what it is we have to do to get by.  This is your chance to do something different.
Have you always dreamt about getting certified to teach yoga?  Have you always wanted to learn how to scuba dive?  Do you love photography but never had the time to really work on it?  Have you thought about volunteering with young children in need?  Do you want to learn how to cook a new cuisine?   Whatever your dream or passion is, a RTW trip will allow you the time and freedom to finally pursue those dreams.  The excuses for not following what it is you truly love are now gone, replaced by all the time and freedom in the world.  If I was ranking these reasons, this would probably be #1.  There is no price tag for getting a second chance to do what it is you love.  And extended travel releases you from your obligations and gives you that chance.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"The Subte in Buenos Aires"

The subway or "Subte" only runs in Buenos Aires Capital. There are in total 6 lines: A to E and H. Line A is the oldest line and they are currently building a new line which will run from Line A to the Retiro neighborhood.

Line A is almost a tourist attraction in itself! They still use the old, wooden carriages. Some tourists only use Line A to experience this.

Tourists maps of Buenos Aires include information on the metro system. You will find it displayed on the walls in the metro stations. The Metro stations are marked on the outside at the entrance of the building. Each line has it's own colour for example Line A is in red etc.

You will find the ticket offices or Boleterias inside the metro station. Tickets are not expensive +- 1.50 pesos per ride. You pay per ride and it is not important where you go to.You can also buy tickets in bulk or buy a metro card. If I can remember correctly you can only buy 10 tickets at a time.

The Metro can be very crowded at times and I do suggest you avoid the peak hours if possible. If you really want to experience the Metro, please keep in mind that there are a lot of pickpockets, so be ALERT at all times. 

We decided to try it out. To our surprise there was a girl at the station that was looking at us too much. She looked like she was 16. Two minutes later, a guy in his 40's approached to her and started talking to each other...they both were looking at us too much. 

As soon as we got in to the Subte they kept looking at us and kept following us around.  I know this because I kept moving around just to see if they would too. 

And yes!  They tried to block Scott first and when I saw that happen I knew they wanted to steal from us. So the doors opened and I just told Scott we should get out, leaving the pickpockets behind. They were NOT able to get ANYTHING from us!!!

Because I grew up in Guatemala and unfortunately the crime there is a lot worse than here, I was very ALERT all the time. Still, I didn't like the heart was beating so fast!!!

After that experience, I don't know how long is it going to take before we get on a Subte again... I really don't want to ride it again. I will stick with Taxis (which are really cheap here!) and I will try the "Colectivos" or buses... we will see. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The First 3 and 1/2 days in Argentina

The plane was delayed more than 2 hours. Mechanical issues, had to change planes. We landed to Buenos Aires around 1pm. 
Gorgeous day!!!! lots of traffic. Graciela went to pick us up and she gave us lots of tips about the city but it was too much info to remember all!!! Here is what I remember:

1. Don't pay taxis with dollars because sometimes they will give you back fake pesos
2. Almost everything you buy here you buy in kilos
3. If you go to a "Panaderia" (Bakery) make sure you try the "Facturas" 
4. Be careful at the "Subte" (Subway) there are a lot of pickpockets  there
5. If you get a phone card for your cell phone get a  "Movistar" not a "Claro" one
6. Don't leave your Ipod or laptops unattended in a coffee shop, etc, etc, etc

So far, Argentinian people have been very nice to us... they've helped us a lot!! 
We are still on the lookout of an apartment, it hasn't been as easy as we thought. We want to live in a nice area (Recoleta or Palermo Soho) and we want a nice apartment...of course, but it seams that the really nice ones are extremely expensive. Most of them include: water, electricity, a cell phone we can use (we need to buy only a phone card), maid once a week, cable and Wi fi (very important). Tomorrow we have three more appointments. Hopefully we find the right one.

Ok, now, these are the little things I've noticed in these past few days in Buenos Aires:

1. There are many, many restaurants that have the name of the restaurant and also say "Parrillada y Pasta" Almost all the menus have pasta dishes. Pasta is a big thing as well as "Milanesa" (Breaded chicken, beef, pork, you name it). We had chicken "Milanesa" for lunch on Thursday and the portion was HUGE, it came with "Ensalada mixta" which is lettuce, tomatoes, onions with olive oil, lemon and vinegar...delicious!!!
BTW, restaurants here open from 12pm to 4pm and from 8pm to 2 am. Make sure you arrive around 10pm for dinner because otherwise the restaurant is going to be empty! 

2. Most of the Argentinian girls (and a lot of guys too) wear skinny jeans or leggings (not the guys) even if they are Not too skinny themselves, hehehe. Also they use high leather boots, Vans or Converse (soooo popular here!). Because is Autumn here, they wear a lot of dark clothes but they combine them with bright shoes!!! my Zumba shoes are going to fit in just right!! :)

3. Young people party here NO MATTER WHAT  until 5 or 6 am...our hotel is right next to the street and they keep waking us up! :s 

4. I haven't seen 1 toilet that has a "handle" or "lever" to flush, all of them have a "button" on the wall or on the toilet itself. 

5. You get to walk a ton! around here, which is good, because we need it. I've discovered that the best shoes to walk around the city so far are my "Danskos." They are great!!! My ankle hasn't hurt at all.

6. There is a red and a green light in every "Apartment Complex or Building" and the red one goes off every time a car is about to come out. It is like a warning sign for everyone on the streets, but makes a lot of noise for a while.

7. Food and coffee are not that cheap in restaurants, so we are going to cook some and we are going to buy a lot of  "Groupons" for restaurants.

8. Don't say the word "Coger" as it means something different (not good) than "Agarrar" (to grab) here. I made the mistake of saying "Puedo coger un menu?" ("Can I grab a menu?") and TOTALLY forgot you are not supposed to say that!!!! ahhhhrrr!!!!! Of course the owner of the restaurant smiled at me and say "Of course you can "Coger" a menu!"

Well, we also have visited the famous bookstore called "El Ateno", which is inside what it used to be a theater, and it is one of the most amazing bookstores I've seen. This one is on Santa Fe Street.
We already went to the famous cemetery and everything was very familiar to me, as Guatemalan cemeteries are similar to this one, but for Scott it was something totally different...
Here are a few pictures of our trip so far:

Having coffe in the Recoleta area. "La Biela" Coffee Shop, very famous and
it was next to a huge tree:

El Ateno! beautiful, they have a coffee shop in the "Stage" area

Steak and Potatoes Au Gratin
The Cemetery

The Cemetery

I will try to update my blog as often as I can. We are trying to get settled and we have been very busy. Please pray that we are safe and that doors can be open for us during our stay in the beautiful Buenos Aires!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Not good bye but "See you next time"...

So we got an offer on the house already and it is under contract. We are very happy for that.
We didn't want to leave having the house on the market while in Argentina.
We are getting reading to pack "EVERYTHING" and take it to Charleston
probably next weekend. Time goes so fast!!!
In the meantime we have been really busy trying to say good bye to a lot of people. It seems that we don't have enough hours in the day to see everyone.
We have enjoyed very much the time that we've had with all of our friends and family here. 
Thank you everyone for making our last few days in Raleigh so much fun!!! Even if we don't have a picture of you, thank you to all the ones that also have been inviting us to lunch, dinner, tea, coffee.
With our dearest friends Maria and Roberto!
Here with our sweet friends Maty and Gary
Our friends Berto and Leonor
My friend Isabel!!! 
Belen and Robert (Not in this picture)

Here with my friend Gissella

                                            Here with Meddy and Yohanka

                                          Here with Morrison and Norma

                                       Our Spanish friends Ana and Juan

    A special good bye to our precious nieces and nephews: Anna, Lydia, Chris and
    little Nate. We are going to miss them very much. They make our life so much 
    happier  every time we see them :)

                    A special Thanks and Good Bye to my dear friend Liliana
                    who in such a short time has helped me SO much!! and has been
                    such a blessing in my life :) I will miss you very much my 
                    favorite Zumba buddy...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saying "Good Bye"

As most of you know, we are very close to our departure date. In the meantime we have been trying to get together with some friends...and say good bye!
Two weeks ago we had the opportunity to go to Fayetteville to have lunch with a very special friend and her precious daughter. Her husband couldn't be with us this time but I am sure we are going to see him sometime after Buenos Aires.
While in Fayetteville, we decided to also go to the Museum of Airborne and Special Operations. My hubby always wanted to go there and never had the chance. Until now :)
Here are some pictures to remember that day:

Thank you Michelle for meeting us at lunch!!

Little Miss A playing around!! She is such an angel :)

It was a very fun day to remember!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Little Taste

So, we can't wait to get to Argentina and have some empanadas, some good steak and some wonderful Argentinian wine.

Recently we went to a new local Argentinian restaurant where we got a little taste of the empanadas and it was fabulous!!! It had such an European feel to it!!! If you live around Raleigh you should try it.

As all of you know, the first country we will visit will be Argentina. We are thinking about visiting Spain next.

Today we got a little taste of both  :)

          We had some delicious beef,
          spinach and cheese empanadas
          made by an authentic Argentinian.
          Thank you Belen!! They were
          really good!!

                   We also try a drink that is popular in
                    Argentina called Paso Toros, made
                    from "Pomelo" or grapefruit.

            These are "Croquetas Españolas"
            made by an authentic Spaniard...
            they were wonderful!! Thank you
            Ana for making these :)

            And to put the icing on the cake,
            we had some Serrano Spanish
            ham :)  Thank you Maria for
            bringing these!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Coming Soon...

So, this is what we see every day now from our front window!!

It was scary to see it for the first time. A lot of feelings were going on.
It is a reality now!  Scott and I held hands and the only thing we could say was "It is time... we are ready!"

Yes my friends, please help me pray to sell the house as soon as

My car is coming up for sale soon too :(

Monday, January 31, 2011

Time for a Change

Sometimes it is difficult to think about change... and with change comes worrying, pressure, stress, etc.
I recently read an article that has helped me to cope with these issues a little better.

To cope with change:

1. Accept the changes you can't control (Like downsizing and the economy for us right now)
2. Reduce the amount of change you can control.(Like moving or looking for a new job, I know, sometimes
    is inevitable)
3. Some change is good. The absence of all change is even more stressful than the presence of too much    
    change. Change is inevitable so learn to flow with it!!!

To cope with financial security:

1. Pay off debt. We have to recognize the importance of paying off debt,
    if only for your own peace of mind!!!
2. Save 10%. Begin saving 10% of your income every month. Use 5%
    for paying off debts!
3. Saving adds up. $100 a month for 40 years will yield over $1,000,000

To cope with pressure:

1. Plan your day. Allow at least 15 minutes daily just for planning.
2. Think long term. Spend at least an hour every day on something like exercising or educating yourself.
3. Don't be a slave to the urgent things. Important things are seldom urgent and urgent things are seldom  

To cope with worries:

1. Most worries never come to pass. Remember this to force needless
    worries out of your mind.
2. Only worry about the things you can control, not the things you can't,
     like the weather.
3. Familiarize yourself with the thing you fear by reading a book, watching
    a video, talking to friends.

To cope with stress:

1. Breathe deeply several times whenever you feel any stress symptoms.
2. Stress often starts in your mind and it can end there too! Consciously substitute a more pleasant thought.
3. Don't sweat the small stuff. (This one speaks for itself )

Friday, January 28, 2011

The First Load

So, our time in Raleigh is coming to an end little by little.
Some days my house is a complete mess trying to do some packing, some selling and some Goodwill...
Here are so pictures to prove it:

                           Scott helping packing. He is really good
                           organizing everything  inside each box.
                           Actually he did all the packing this
                           time and I just helped him  :)

Last week we took our first load of "stuff" to a storage unit in Charleston!!! Exciting!!

In the meantime, we will have a real estate broker come to our house to help us put it in the market.
Soon, I will share what is it that my husband is doing to help us accomplish our dream of freedom, doing
what we want to do and our dream of traveling around the world.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's!!...

So, we went to First Night and had an awesome time!!! The weather wasn't that bad. It was cold but not too cold ;)
Here are some pictures:

We went to see a flamenco guitar show!!!

An improv comedy show!!

And of course the dropping of the Acorn!!!

Go downtown for First Night on New Year's:  check!

We are counting down to depart in March. In a few weeks we are bringing a load of things to put in a storage unit in South Carolina ;)

* Thanks to my friend Liliana for letting me use the first three of her pictures!