Monday, January 31, 2011

Time for a Change

Sometimes it is difficult to think about change... and with change comes worrying, pressure, stress, etc.
I recently read an article that has helped me to cope with these issues a little better.

To cope with change:

1. Accept the changes you can't control (Like downsizing and the economy for us right now)
2. Reduce the amount of change you can control.(Like moving or looking for a new job, I know, sometimes
    is inevitable)
3. Some change is good. The absence of all change is even more stressful than the presence of too much    
    change. Change is inevitable so learn to flow with it!!!

To cope with financial security:

1. Pay off debt. We have to recognize the importance of paying off debt,
    if only for your own peace of mind!!!
2. Save 10%. Begin saving 10% of your income every month. Use 5%
    for paying off debts!
3. Saving adds up. $100 a month for 40 years will yield over $1,000,000

To cope with pressure:

1. Plan your day. Allow at least 15 minutes daily just for planning.
2. Think long term. Spend at least an hour every day on something like exercising or educating yourself.
3. Don't be a slave to the urgent things. Important things are seldom urgent and urgent things are seldom  

To cope with worries:

1. Most worries never come to pass. Remember this to force needless
    worries out of your mind.
2. Only worry about the things you can control, not the things you can't,
     like the weather.
3. Familiarize yourself with the thing you fear by reading a book, watching
    a video, talking to friends.

To cope with stress:

1. Breathe deeply several times whenever you feel any stress symptoms.
2. Stress often starts in your mind and it can end there too! Consciously substitute a more pleasant thought.
3. Don't sweat the small stuff. (This one speaks for itself )

Friday, January 28, 2011

The First Load

So, our time in Raleigh is coming to an end little by little.
Some days my house is a complete mess trying to do some packing, some selling and some Goodwill...
Here are so pictures to prove it:

                           Scott helping packing. He is really good
                           organizing everything  inside each box.
                           Actually he did all the packing this
                           time and I just helped him  :)

Last week we took our first load of "stuff" to a storage unit in Charleston!!! Exciting!!

In the meantime, we will have a real estate broker come to our house to help us put it in the market.
Soon, I will share what is it that my husband is doing to help us accomplish our dream of freedom, doing
what we want to do and our dream of traveling around the world.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's!!...

So, we went to First Night and had an awesome time!!! The weather wasn't that bad. It was cold but not too cold ;)
Here are some pictures:

We went to see a flamenco guitar show!!!

An improv comedy show!!

And of course the dropping of the Acorn!!!

Go downtown for First Night on New Year's:  check!

We are counting down to depart in March. In a few weeks we are bringing a load of things to put in a storage unit in South Carolina ;)

* Thanks to my friend Liliana for letting me use the first three of her pictures!